Otto Mønsted Guest Professor

Thomas Justus Schmidt will be visiting the section during 2013 and 2014, as a guest professor, funded by Otto Mønsted's Fond

Prof. Thomas Justus Schmidt from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Zürich, Switzerland, is currently a guest professor at DTU Energy Conversion.

Prof. Schmidt is working with Fuel Cells, electrolysers and batteries as head of the Electrochemistry Lab at PSI, and before that was head of R&D at BASF Fuel Cells. 

During his stay in our section, Prof. Schmidt will participate in the day to day research and will help contribute new ideas from a different viewpoint within our various research areas.

Prof. Schmidts stay is divided in two, he visited our section for 14 days in the beginning of august 2013, and will come back for a longer stay in January 2014.    


Niels Janniksen Bjerrum
Professor Emeritus
DTU Energy
+45 45 25 23 07
13 DECEMBER 2024