EcoEthylene (2018 – 2021)

Electrochemical CO2 reduction to ETHYLENE for industrial applications

The project focuses on investigating industrial relevant parameters (e.g. elevated temperatures, scalable catalysts, etc.) for an electrochemical CO2 reduction to ethylene.

IRD and DTU Energy will focus on integrating catalysts into commercial size electrodes as well as improving overall electrode performance and DTU Physics will focus on optimizing the catalysts.

IRD and DTU Energy will collaborate closely on analysis of material properties based on samples generated during the project. DTU Energy contributes with advanced instrumentation and solid technical expertise in materials characterization for the mapping of structure-properties relationship of the GDEs. The characterization will include imaging (SEM/TEM/AFM) for the study of morphological effects in combination with electrochemical (voltammetry, EIS) and spectroscopic tools (NMR, FTIR) as well as chromatography (SEC) for studying chemical and electrochemical degradation. For each of the production steps in the production process there will be the need to assign proper quality control parameters to increase reproducibility. Moreover, the project focuses on finding optimal catalysts and producing them in a scalable manner for industrial processes. Catalyst synthesis capabilities are represented strongly at both DTU Physics and DTU Energy and should allow for rapid creation of the desired structures.


Jens Oluf Jensen
DTU Energy
+45 45 25 23 14


Benedikt Axel Brandes
Guest profile
DTU Energy


Lars David Aili
Senior Researcher
DTU Energy
+45 45 25 24 13
13 MARCH 2025