Section for Low Temperature Electrochemistry, DTU Energy

DME setup

Fuel Cell & Electrolyser development

Cell testing with alternative fuels, DME and methanol

The Section for Electrochemistry at DTU Energy has as main objective to investigate, synthesize and characterize chemical compounds and materials that have importance within the chemical materials and technology area. 

We focus on projects that have energy relevance – either by direct electricity or fuel production or through processes that lead to energy savings.

Ion Conductivity

Material research

High temperature ionic conductivity measurements

The Section for Electrochemistry at DTU Energy has as main objective to investigate, synthesize and characterize chemical compounds and materials that have importance within the chemical materials and technology area. 

We focus on projects that have energy relevance – either by direct electricity or fuel production or through processes that lead to energy savings.


Manufacturing techniques

High temperature PEM fuel cell development

The Section for Low Temperature Electrochemistry at DTU Energy has as main objective to investigate, synthesize and characterize chemical compounds and materials that have importance within the chemical materials and technology area. 

We focus on projects that have energy relevance – either by direct electricity or fuel pro- duction or through processes that lead to energy savings.

Research in the Section

Research Projects

Ongoing Research Projects

Finished Research Projects

Finished Research Projects
17 FEBRUARY 2025